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How RLG Eases the Back-Office Burden 10-30-23

3 Minutes Read

Optimizing your day-to-day tasks provides maximum breathing room. Here is how RLG can help.

The hardest working businesses are often the most independent. Self-reliance is a virtue, but it can become a vice when businesses start thinking no outside party can handle transportation logistics jobs better than they can, or they may feel it is simply not worth the expense.

With outsourcing off the agenda, these businesses find themselves slowly buried in back-office operations and other day-to-day tasks. RLG exists to relieve logistical stress so your business can become more focused and efficient.

In this blog, you will learn:

  • The 3 biggest back-office time sinks

  • How outsourcing provides back-office benefits

  • How RLG can streamline your operations

The 3 biggest back-office time sinks

A lot of small administrative tasks can take up more of your logistics team’s time than they’re worth, but these three add up the most.

1. Chasing claims

Your staff should be expected to run your operations, but should be they be regulating those of other businesses, too? The answer of course is “no,” but this is what happens if your vendors or logistics partners are not operating efficiently. Every time these third parties make an error or underperform, it requires time and effort from your in-house team to rectify the situation.

Instead of doing damage control and chasing down claims, let RLG apply our Post-Audit Management skills to the problem. We specialize in dealing with carriers on your behalf, helping clients manage the post-audit processes and make sure all claims are paid.

It may even be time to overhaul your entire freight audit and payment model, in which case RLG can also provide guidance on insourcing/outsourcing and creating the best solution for each.

2. Prepping RFQs

An overstressed back-office is one of the less-welcome blessings of growth. When your operations expand, you will have to rely more on partners. Many businesses are distrustful of the idea or cannot (or will not) afford that expense, but RLG can make finding help as secure and cost-efficient as possible.

Performing a Request for Quote (RFQ) will dispel any illusions about carrier expense and provide hard, actionable data on costs and performance ratios. Even the most proactive businesses willing to carry out an RFQ may be intimidated by the necessary research. RLG can greatly reduce your efforts by managing your bid from start to finish, whether it is for warehousing or logistics tech solutions.

Important note: The COVID-19 situation does not have to halt your RFQ progress. RLG can help businesses successfully perform one while respecting safety best practices.

3. Drowning in data

The bigger your business, the more data it must process. That information is a constant flow that can become overwhelming. Your back-office team would welcome a Transport Management System (TMS) that can centralize logistics data, minimizing the strain and associated error risk of manual data entry while clarifying every metric of your supply chain.

Further money and time can be saved when a TMS takes over low-level administrative tasks and provides at-a-glance data that removes the need to chase vendors or logistics partners for information. Clearing up data for easy access is also a strong way to satisfy customers who want that information as quickly as they can get it, and happy customers mean profits.

How outsourcing provides back-office benefits

An overworked back-office is not a reliable one. Focus becomes compromised, and burnout can severely hinder performance or make it unpredictable at best. The American Psychological Association states that burned out back-office employees are 2.6 times more likely to quit and 63% more likely to take sick days.

Outsourcing some essential processes puts them in the hands of a fresher team whose only focus will be on their assigned task, which leads to more predictable performance. Outsourcing is also flexible and scalable. It provides services and draws on your budget as and when required to match your business demands and the flow of the market.

This is much easier than losing current employees or hiring (and possibly firing) new personnel in relation to the current workload. Hiring alone is a 5-stage process that can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. Onboarding an efficient third-party is not free, but it is a much more cost-effective in the face of lost productivity from a burned-out back-office.

How RLG can streamline your operations

Working with RLG provides one of the biggest outsourcing perks: instant expertise. There is no need to expend further money and time to train staff on new back-office processes. We can onboard with ease and supply years of logistics management experience to instantly upgrade your business capability.

Whether you need world-class transport management, access to all relevant operational metrics, or greater vendor accountability and supply chain clarity, RLG provides it all. Our team works with yours to tailor solutions to fit your business needs, making your back-office more efficient now and in the future.

Browse our complete list of services and our testimonials to discover why RLG is the team of choice for managers, directors, CEOs and investors. We’re here to share your logistical load while you retain complete control.

Resource Logistics Group provides transportation and logistics advice combined with professional services and state-of-the-art technology. From contract negotiations to easing back-office burdens, we are your ally in excellence. Connect with us on our contact page for a free benchmarking analysis.

Steve Huntley
